Case Studies & Resources

Useful links, tips & toolkits

General tips, toolkits & links

Centre for Cultural Value
Cultural Health & Wellbeing Alliance
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage: Inspiring Fundraising digital toolkit
Scottish Government – Economic Report: Towards a robust, resilient wellbeing economy for Scotland
Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEALL)

Governance tips, toolkits & links

Arts Council of England – Guidance: Managing your funds and reserves
Association of Chairs – an independent association of Chairs of social purpose and not-for-profit organisations formed in order to help Chairs with their unique task: leading the board in delivering the organisation’s aims. [pdf]
Cultural Governance Alliance - Cultural Governance Alliance (CGA) is a collective of agencies, organisations and advocates working strategically to champion, share and promote best practice in the governance of culture. [pdf]
Clore Leadership created this toolkit of useful resources for Trustees and staff who work with boards.
OSCR – The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator provides a wide range of guidance and advice on the duties of charity trustees, accounting guidance etc. A good starting point for the trustee’s board journey is their Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees
SCVO - The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body for Scotland’s charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises, and carries information on organisational structures, roles and responsibilities, committees, constitutions etc. Check out their governance advice section here.
Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum – C&BS is a member of Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum which works to improve governance and leadership in the sector. The forum developed the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector, setting out the core principles of good governance for the boards of charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises in Scotland. To find out more and download the code.
Care, Diligence and Skill - corporate handbook for arts organisations from the Scottish Arts Council

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